Overhaul of state college system advances in state Senate
Sun Sentinel
A plan to create a statewide board to oversee Florida’s state and community colleges advanced this week, while college presidents raised objections to a proposed cap on four-year degrees and a stricter performance measure for graduation that are part of the legislation.
Summit highlights ‘crucial’ workforce development efforts
Alexandria Town Talk
Louisiana spends about $300 million annually for students to receive free tuition through its TOPS program. But most of those students won’t earn necessary credentials for well-paying jobs that state employers are going to need filled with qualified workers, according to Commissioner of Higher Education Joe Rallo.
CCRC gives tips on transferring to colleges
Cleburne Times-Review
Transferring from a junior or community college to a university should be pretty simple: two years at the first school and then two years at the other to finish a bachelor’s degree, but sometimes it’s not as simple as that.