There are plenty of events this week, including Congressional hearings, a webinar on using HEERF grants for mental health activities, and virtual discussions focused on preparing students and families for careers and college, including opportunities in the clean energy sector.
Using HEERF for mental health: A webinar on May 25 will focus on how grants distributed through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) to postsecondary institutions can support student and staff mental health efforts. It will include Michelle Asha Cooper, the department’s deputy assistant secretary of education.
Promoting college and careers: The Biden administration is doubling down on getting the word about career and college opportunities. On May 25, the U.S. Education Department will host a webinar to discuss the need to prepare young people for careers and to issue a call to action to the field to bring together PK-12, higher education and employers to reimagine how students transition from high school through postsecondary education and into careers. Top brass participating in the session include Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.
Developing a green workforce: A virtual summit on May 25 and June 8 will examine barriers and potential solutions to expanding workforce development in the clean energy sector. It is being held by the National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance, which is co-convened by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council and the National Council for Workforce Education, an AACC affiliate council.
Committee hearing on ED’s policies and priorities: The House Education and Labor Committee will hold a hearing May 26 on the Education Department’s policies and priorities, as indicated in its fiscal year 2023 budget proposal.