As surgical tech booms, community colleges train students to keep up with changing field
KERA News (with audio)
Technology continues to transform operating rooms, and community colleges in North Texas that train surgical technologists must evolve, too.
Candidates for governor: Kansas needs to emphasize technical education
Wichita Eagle
Kansas’ shortage of skilled labor workers will confront the next governor, Republican or Democrat.
Editorial: At 60, Linn-Benton Community College still offers better lives
Albany Democrat Herald
As we increasingly understand that many good jobs don’t necessarily require four-year degrees, community colleges have stepped in to the fill the gap by creating training programs for the workers who will fill those jobs.
CCBC marks 60-year anniversary, looks to future
Baltimore Sun
In the glow of the anniversary celebration, Community College of Baltimore County is looking to the next generation of programs and also facing pressures to maintain quality programs amid declining enrollment and tighter finances.