Campus Issues


The potential disaster of free community college Politico In the short term, free community college could work, some experts say. But down the road, they say community colleges won’t have the infrastructure to handle an…

Some good news on enrollment

Fall enrollment at community colleges continues to drop — though at a slower rate — but there’s some good news: the number of first-time postsecondary students who attend public two-year colleges is up.  Matthew DembickiMatthew…


Indiana community college offers firefighters free tuition Associated Press Ivy Tech Community College and the Indiana Volunteer Firefighter Association have joined together to offer offer free tuition to volunteer firefighters and first responders seeking an…


The secret is out: 105-year-old woman left $10M to Washington’s community colleges Seattle Times This week, the estate of Evan Gordon, who worked as a trading assistant at an investment firm in Seattle, announced her…


CEO on the move Joseph Daisy will become chancellor of Kaua’i Community College in Hawaii, effective February 3, 2020. He has served as president of the College of Micronesia-Federated States of Micronesia since 2012. Prior to…