Campus Issues


New CEOs Lizette Navarette will serve as the next president of Woodland Community College in California, starting January 1. She is currently executive vice chancellor of institutional supports and success at California Community Colleges. Prior…

Funding roundup

Gadsden State Community College was recognized for its campus clean-up project by Coca-Cola UNITED during the annual Alabama PALS awards ceremony this month. The honor came with a scholarship worth $1,000. Alabama PALS aims to…


Bank shares new success metric for community colleges Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Data recently released by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond show the vital contributions these institutions consistently offer to their local communities…


Kentucky is thinking about removing gen ed from 2-year colleges. Regulators don’t agree. Higher Ed Dive The Council on Postsecondary Education is responding to concerns that state higher ed is duplicative and not adequately helping…


Commentary: The next step in equity work Inside Higher Ed Prioritizing community college transfer students is the next, necessary step for four-year colleges. Pa. community colleges still waiting for state funding using loans, reserves to…