The number of community colleges that report college-operated, on-campus housing has been slowly increasing, with about one-quarter of the nation’s public two-year colleges today offering the accommodations.

Based on American Association of Community Colleges analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System data, in 2010, 22.8% of public community colleges ran on-campus housing; by 2022, it increased to slightly more than one-quarter (26.6%) of all public community colleges.
Thirty-eight states have at least one public community college with on-campus housing, and two states (Wyoming and North Dakota) have on-campus housing in all their public community colleges.
There were 48 more colleges with on-campus housing in 2022 compared to 2010. New York and Washington have seen the highest rate of increase (both above 20%) in college-operated housing since 2010. Hawaii was the only state to add housing at a community college when there had been none in 2010.
Nearly half (15 or 47%) of the tribally controlled colleges reported on-campus housing in 2022. In 2010, only 12 tribally controlled colleges reported on-campus housing. Three of the seven public colleges in the outlying U.S. Territories (Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Palau) reported having on-campus housing; however, College of Micronesia-FSM did not report student housing in 2010.