Will students show up for college in fall 2020? Community colleges offer a hint. It isn’t pretty.
USA Today
Flexibility has long been a strength of community colleges, which can move more quickly than universities typically can to meet changing employment needs in a region, according to Martha Parham, senior vice president for public relations at the American Association of Community Colleges.
Democrats: DeVos overstepped by blocking emergency aid to undocumented college students
Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) and Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey) urged DeVos in a letter Monday to reverse her restrictions because the economic rescue law included no explicit limitations on which students could receive $6 billion in emergency cash grants.
It’s now easier for employers to connect with New Jersey community college students looking for jobs
The New Jersey Community Colleges Jobs Consortium allows state employers to post listings to forums for all 10 inaugural member schools, easing their access to job-ready community college talent.
New Hampshire’s community colleges get creative with education, assistance
Concord Monitor
Leaders at the state’s seven community colleges are finding creative ways to replace demonstration – or lab-based learning that isn’t easily duplicated online. They’re also reaching out to students, who for a variety of reasons – family demands, lack of finances, slow wireless broadband – struggle with not accessing supports on campus.