Plumbing, nursing, welding: How are hands-on MATC programs moving online amid COVID-19 pandemic?
Wisconsin State Journal
Nursing students must virtually wash their hands before tending to a pretend patient. Electricians-in-training will troubleshoot circuits through simulation software. Electro-mechanical technology instructors are setting up their living rooms for fluid power and electrical sensor labs.
Commentary: California must seize the opportunity to become a pioneer in online higher education
The current crisis creates an opportunity for disruptive innovation. The future of learning itself may be determined by the results of this experiment, writes Tom Epstein, board president of California Community Colleges and board president of Calbright College.
Community college leaders worry COVID-19 crisis will push students to drop out
Motivation won’t be enough for many community college students to overcome what this crisis is throwing at them: lost jobs and many more hours during the day caring for family instead of studying.
Commentary: For higher education, nothing matters more than September
What terrifies so many higher education leaders is a scenario in which the coronavirus persists into late summer and campuses are not permitted to reopen next fall.