Event information
Cancel your convention registration by March 27
You can cancel your convention registration for a full refund, or you can apply your 2020 base registration to the 2021 convention. If you are planning to cancel your registration, you must contact our registration team by March 27. Contact them at aaccreg@conferencedirect.com or call 833-210-8603. If we do not hear from you by March 27 regarding cancelling your base registration, it will be automatically applied to 2021 registration. For information about pre-convention workshops and meal tickets, read the FAQ.
Check out the AACC 2020 Fact Sheet
AACC released its 2020 Fact Sheet, which includes information on student demographics, funding and more.
Program initiatives
Deadline extended for CCIC
Led by AACC, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, the Community College Innovation Challenge (CCIC) encourages community college student teams, working with a faculty or administrator mentor, to use science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to develop solutions for real-world problems. Apply by April 24.
News & social media
New on the CC Voice podcast
The latest episode of Community College Voice features Portland Community College’s Mark Mitsui talking about student food and housing insecurity.
Opportunities from other organizations
Encouraging students to complete the U.S. Census
The U.S. Census Bureau aims to complete its 2020 Census as
scheduled. The bureau said in a press release
this week that it is monitoring the coronavirus and making some changes to how
it collects Census data. The bureau last week started to send invitations to
complete the census and colleges are encouraged to place articles on their
websites, listservs or e-newsletters with information about how students can
participate in the Census and why it’s important.
Complete the Open Doors survey
The 2020 Open Doors International Student Census and U.S. Study Abroad Survey are available online. The compilation of community college data published in Open Doors is only possible with the assistance of international education and other higher education professionals at community colleges throughout the U.S. Deadlines to complete the surveys have been pushed to late April.
National Education Foundation grants available
The National Education Foundation (NEF) is providing grants for its National Employability Through Sustainability program. Employability is enabled by online courses and certifications, managed by JobReady, that can be offered by community college partners with no upfront costs and a 90 percent grant towards the cost of courses. Sustainability is achieved as community colleges agree to make their facilities energy efficient at no cost to the institution. In return, NEF and its partners will give community colleges a 100 percent grant covering the cost of both the employability and sustainability programs. NEF will take applications through March 31. Learn more here or for more information contact Bill Hughes.