Editor’s note: Photos submitted by AACC-member colleges.

In Alabama, U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is escorted through Shelton State Community College by President Bill Ashley (left) and Jason Moore, dean of workforce and economic development. She visited the state last week as part of her “Rethink School” tour. (Photo: Porfirio Solozano)

Lee Lambert, chancellor of the Pima Community College District in Arizona, presents a case study of how his college connects with global education. Lambert was part of a delegation led by AACC at this week’s WFCP 2018 World Congress in Australia. (Photo: AACC)

Janet Gullickson is inaugurated as the sixth president of Germanna Community College in Virginia. (Photo: GCC)

Jennifer Lindon, president of Hazard Community and Technical College in Kentucky, participates in the local Mary Breckinridge Festival. (Photo: HCTC)

South Carolina Technical College System President Tim Hardee and his wife, Tammy, complete more than 500 miles on Tour de Tech, a campaign to raise funds for student scholarships. (Photo: SCTECH)

Students in an anatomy and physiology class at Iowa Central Community College practice finding blood vessels in the college’s SynDaver Lab. (Photo: Iowa Central)

At Columbia State Community College in Tennessee, the President’s Leadership Society goes kayaking to develop team building and bonding. (Photo: CSCC)

Stephanie Cannon is highlighted in “Where are They Now Wednesday,” a monthly feature at Pellissippi State Community College (Tennessee) that spotlights alumni. Cannon earned an associate degree in computer science and today is an engineering technician at DENSO. (Photo: Pellissippi State)

Delaware Community Technical College hosts a technician training in gene editing workshop in partnership with Christiana Care Gene Editing Institute and National Science Foundation (NSF). (Photo: DCTC)

NorthWest Arkansas Community College students in the respiratory therapy program won first and second place in the Arkansas Society for Respiratory Care “Sputum Bowl,” which has been held at the state and national level since the early 1970s. (Photo: NWACC)