Out of juvenile detention, they’re serving meals instead of time
A feature on the work of 2018 AACC Outstanding Alumni Award winner Chad Houser.
Commentary: How to level the college playing field
New York Times
To help students who come from the middle and working classes, cities and states should adopt models like the City University of New York’s ASAP program, which provides intensive advising, money for textbooks and even MetroCards to smooth a student’s pathway to his or her degree, write Harold O. Levy, executive director of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, and author Peg Tyre.
Public and private colleges evaluate the state budget
In New York, Jefferson Community College will benefit from an increase of $100 in aid per full-time equivalent student for community colleges, a move the college applauded in a statement. JCC will, however, suffer an overall cut in funding.
Commentary: Gov. Murphy’s pie-in-the-sky community college plan won’t fly
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy wants to add free county college in a year when he can’t even fund the pensions for the teachers in the current K-12 system.