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‘A whole new world’: New law lets Pennsylvania foster kids attend college tuition-free Morning Call A new state law allows youth who were in foster care to go to any college or university in Pennsylvania…


New CEO Cheryl C. De Vonish is now CEO of Norwalk Community College (NCC) in Connecticut. Since 2015, De Vonish has served in several leadership roles at NCC and as an adjunct faculty member. Previously,…


Native American enrollment in community college has plummeted 60% in 20 years. Here’s why LAist In the 1997-1998 academic year, there were about 26,000 Native American students enrolled in California’s community college system. Twenty years…

Less than $100 in savings

About one-quarter of two-year college students have less than $100 saved, and 12 percent have no savings, according to a survey by LendingTree. Daily StaffCCDaily is published by the American Association of Community Colleges.More Posts…


Connecticut studying problem of food insecurity at colleges Associated Press Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont recently signed legislation that requires the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees and the Board of Regents for Higher Education, which…


Iowa legislators voice support for community colleges, stop short of promising more state funding Daily Nonpareil One Democrat says it’s “alarming” that more than half of the funding for community colleges in the state comes…