Although the biopharma industry tends to focus on high-skill workers with advanced science and engineering degrees, just over half of entry-level jobs in the U.S. life sciences require skills considered middle and lower level that could be filled by people with less than a four-year degree.
One of the state legislature’s more innovative new laws allows community colleges to offer bachelor’s degrees to meet “unmet workforce needs.” Instead of embracing the concept, California State University has resisted its implementation.
In the past five years, the Colorado college has adopted a program to save students more than $1.5 million in textbook costs by using educational materials available to educators and students.
Lakeland Community College officials announced the launch of “The Lakeland Institute,” a nonprofit dedicated to “enhancing the small business, nonprofit and public service sectors in Northeast Ohio.”
Since last spring, Los Angeles community colleges have been rolling out a number of classes in Spanish — not classes to learn Spanish, but classes where Spanish speakers can learn other subjects.