Interim CEO
Betty Jo Foster will serve as interim president of Virginia’s Danville Community College (DCC), effective at the beginning of 2019. Foster is a familiar face throughout the Danville region having worked at DCC for 36 years before retiring as the college’s academic vice president in 2004. She also served as interim president of Central Virginia Community College in 1998.
Sandra Kurtinitis, president of the Community College of Baltimore County and chair of the American Association of Community Colleges board of directors, is the recipient of the Daily Record’s 2018 Icon Honors, which recognizes Maryland leaders for their notable success and demonstration of strong leadership within and outside their fields. The honorees have moved their organizations and the state forward by growing jobs and making a difference in the community.
Vicki Martin, president of Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC), has been named to the Milwaukee Business Journal‘s 2019 Milwaukee-area power brokers list. Under her leadership, the college launched and is expanding the MATC Promise to build the regional workforce and to help more individuals attain family-sustaining jobs.
Martha Smith has been named president emeritus of Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) in Maryland, where she served as president from 1994 to 2012. Smith instituted AACC’s first strategic planning process, which integrated planning, budgeting and assessment. She also made student success the centerpiece of the college’s strategic goals, and focused on achieving diversity and developing critical-thinking skills.
Casey Sacks, vice chancellor at the West Virginia Community and Technical College System, will serve as deputy assistant secretary for career, technical and adult education at the U.S. Education Department. Prior to coming to West Virginia two years ago, Sacks spent eight years at the Colorado Community College System in academic affairs.