Campus Issues


Virginia community college challenges frustrate state lawmakers The range of legislative reactions to a new state study on community colleges reflects the competing missions for the 51-year-old system to fulfill in the face of…

Funding roundup

In Missouri, State Fair Community College (SFCC) is the beneficiary of the home and real estate of Dr. Harold F. Daum, a late retired radiologist and founder of SFCC’s Daum Museum of Contemporary Art. The…


UW-Madison moves forward with free tuition program for first-generation transfer students About 150 students at two-year colleges around Wisconsin are expected to enroll in a new University of Wisconsin-Madison program giving first-generation college students…


Nevada regents plan to bolster community colleges Elko Daily Free Press Community colleges are one of the keys in developing Nevada’s workforce, according higher education leaders. Americans split on whether 4-year college degree is worth…


New CEOs Gregory Anderson has been appointed president of Saddleback College in California, effective October 16. Anderson has worked as a faculty member, director, dean and vice president among California community colleges for the past…