The 2017 American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Convention April 22-25 in New Orleans is the ideal event to share promising practices as well as hear what other leaders are doing to address similar challenges. Below, AACC board member and Community Colleges of Spokane Chancellor Christine Johnson remembers her first AACC convention.
Christine Johnson vividly recalls what she felt the first time she attended an AACC convention in 2001 as the new president of the Community College of Denver. And she wants others to feel that, too.
“I want new presidents to experience the power of collective vision and action that convenes from across the country from all types and sizes of community colleges,” says Johnson, chancellor of the Community College of Spokane in Washington. “These are colleges that are dedicated to a common purpose of elevating students, building the nation’s workforce and economic prosperity for all.”
Johnson, who serves on the AACC board of directors, also enjoys the presentation of the AACC Leadership Award at the annual convention because it recognizes the giants in the field “who have dedicated themselves to opening wide the doors of opportunity and economic mobility.”
“The honorees are individuals I admire deeply as inspiring role models, mentors and cherished friends,” she adds.